Secure digital communication

DCPN Network

DCPN Network is governed by its Partners

A global secure communication network

The need for secure digital communication grows every day. To stay competitive in your market you need a way to communicate digitally that works between all types of systems and organizations. In order to improve efficiency and allow all users in the organization to benefit from the solution, it has to be easy to use, but at the same time ensure the privacy of the information that is shared as well as trackable once it has been communicated.

DCPN network is a decentralized network that makes it possible for organizations, companies, machines, systems or individuals to communicate digitally in a secure way. Where an organisation can communicate digitally and still follow regulations, legislation and policies.

What is DCPN Network?

The DCPN network, a network of DCPN nodes, is an infrastructure which in combination with different systems, will create a unique solution that allows interoperability between various systems as well as creating trackability and liability to ensure liability in digital communication.

The DCPN network is based on a federation through policy which enables different national eID solutions or other authentication solutions to be connected to the network, this in order to create interoperability, cross border communication, between different systems.

There have been many different governmental initiatives both past and present, with the intention to solve challenges around interoperability. However, until today, they have always led to solitary solutions where all parties have been required to be part of the actual solution in order to benefit from it. This requirement sets limitations on the ability for the solution to communicate with other systems.

DCPN takes a different approach. Instead of focusing on the technology the DCPN network is based on a policy hierarchy that will create legal interoperability within the system and enabling the network to be federated by policies.

The DCPN network makes it possible for a Swedish doctor which is authenticated with a Swedish eID(SITHS) to send encrypted information to a person that authenticates with a Danish eID(Nem ID).

DCPN Network Node

DCPN network nodes will be offered as a service or as an installable software. The network will use a policy structure to ensure that legal and regulatory requirements are fulfilled and a blockchain solution will help to ensure trackability of events in the system.

Do you need help to get your application accessibly from different authentication methods?

Time to get your own node and be a part of the DCPN Network